Monday, 4 June 2018

Little Red Ridding Hood

Someone was speaking really angry little red riding hood put the phone down. Then he started to rain lighten hit the tree outside the tree turn on fire then the bad wolf the dad acted like a person saying i'm cold and you open the door but the voice sounded really angry so little red riding hood went to look out the window she saw the wolf but the wolf didn't she her she didn't say anything she acted like there was no one home but the wolf already known that they were in there they stayed until the phone ringed she answered it it was mum she said when are you coming home little red riding hood said there’s a big bad wolf mum said i'm coming over mum putted on her raincoat and she started running when she got there she saw the big bad wolf. The wolf smelled One beautiful day there was a little girl called little red riding hood when she was playing outside her mum said little riding come inside little red riding hood she come inside. She said to her take this cake and cookies to her grandma because she’s feeling sick little riding hood cruising down the forest and when she was cruising she saw a wolf the wolf said to her where you going little riding hood said i'm going to my grandma’s because she’s feeling sick the wolf said you should get some flowers for your grandma when she was picking them up the wolf went straight to grandma’s house he knocked on the door and said it’s me little riding hood.

Grandma said the doors open when the door open she was super shocked she was freaked out the gobbled her down super fast. When little red riding hood finished she run super fast and when she got there the wolf said come in the doors open she said look a your ears there big and then she said your eyes are big then the wolf started to chase her and grandma turn ultra instinct in the wolf belly grandma killed the wolf when she was inside. When she was out she said thanks for giving me some food and cake then they were happy all after again.

Then grandma started to feel real sick she went to bed and slept and they didn't know that the dad was stalking them too little riding hood looked after her she locked the door so no more wolves come in and then the phone started ringing little red riding hood went to answer. her and chased her mum was super fast the wolf could not catch her but. Until she was tired slowed down and took a break and then suddenly wolf jumped and gobbled her down mum was angry so she used her powers and killed the dad.

Then they went into grandma’s house looked after her 5 days later she started to feel better they went outside to have some food then they all lived happily after a aging.


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