Saturday 30 September 2017

Watching Movie

I'm just relaxing & watching a movie called the ant bully.


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In the morning on Sunday we had pancakes. our mum she was cooking the pancakes she was cooking one at a time all of us got two. My brother Zack his friend got his first cause he was awake before all of us my Zack got his one and ate it and I was waiting for my mum to cook my pancakes when it was made I put golden syrup on it then I ate it. it was yum then my mum cooked all the other pancakes for my dad & Zacks friend and her and Lorenzo.

My Maze I Made

Hi guys can you guys get pass my maze I made comment below if you passed it

Fun Day

On Saturday I was at my house with my mum we were cleaning up my brothers and dad were getting ready to go to there touch training. When they were ready they went into the car and went to there touch training. Me and my mum we did the dishes and cleaned up our rooms when we were finished called up my auntie’s house and said does Lincoln allowed to come to the fun day next to my house she said yes. Lincoln was getting ready I got ready and I walked over to his house with my little brother Malakai. We walk there then we waited for Lincoln to put on his shoe’s when he finished putting on his shoe’s. we walked over to the fun day there was a lot of people there we were looking for the face paint but it wasn't there. We went to my mum and said there is no face paint and then after there was face paint I got a clown and my little brother got spider man and my cousin Lincoln got a clown like my one other people got the same one as my one. Me and my little brother and Lincoln went to the bouncy castle we played on it some time’s the bouncy castle fell over I got kneed to the face when it fell over I got out really fast and helped all the other kids to get out my cousin Lincoln won a prize because he was dancing it was a little ball that was orange and we were passing it to me then I was passing it to him two. After that they told us to come in and have some sausages with bread it was yummy I had two of them then I got one for my mum and dad then I stayed inside with my mum & dad watch tv and then I played ps4 and then my brothers friends came over and played the ps4.

Friday 29 September 2017

Thursday 28 September 2017


On Friday after school I took my Chromebook home after that I was walking I saw mom she was in the car she told me to get in the car I went into the car then we went to my brothers friends house to pick up them we picked up them then we went to my house I packed my Chromebook with my cover and charger and put it in my bag I walked to my aunt's house I was playing with my cousin we were outside playing on the grass we were running to we went inside and watched TV then we had dinner it was yum after that we went into his room and watched YouTube on his tablet it was fun we watch more TV then we waited for our mum it come back from my brother's training.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Animation Term 3

Benjamin from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

This term I have been learning about more planets in space. Our theme is called Guardians of the Galaxy. Our Earth only has one moon,  but there are many more on other planets. For my animation I had to show how one astronaut looked for another planet because Earth has been trashed and is too polluted to live on. The astronaut flew through space and found another planet. the planet was small and tinny and it was called earth but the other earth was bigger then that one but he did't care about because it was still the same but just small for him.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Stardome Trip Writing

At Stardome at one tree hill we got told sit on the ground outside on the grass with our groups we got told to lesson to our leader my leader was Toby’s mum we got told to use our ears not our mouths.  We had to follow our leader in side one group at a time when we're inside and then we went into the room and then a person called john told us about the solar system it was cool and fun. John said that we have to do activity it was fun we split up into 2 groups we had to read and walk around and looking at pictures to get the answers. We had to name our groups our group was called the awesome boys. we went into this room that had stars on the roof and then john told us to sit back look it showed plants on there then then watched a movie it was cool.  We got out of the room we got told to sit on the ground to wait for the other groups or then we could leave them behind we got told talk to our friends.

Monday 11 September 2017

The colours of light

this is my colours of light writing we had to tip water into something you can see throw and then tip  milk in   then  get white light and then shine it on the water with the milk.